Friday, June 24, 2011

30 Hour Famine.....

30 hour Famine is all started with an evangelist named Bob Pierce who visited Korea. He came face to face with children orphaned by war, and decided he had to do something. In 1950, he founded World Vision and started finding sponsors for kids in need. Since then, our amazing supporters have sponsored millions of children, providing them and their communities with access to basics like better nutrition, clean water, health care, and more - all in the name of Christ.

Today, World Vision serves close to 100 million people in nearly 100 countries:
  • Providing emergency aid when disaster strikes
  • Partnering with communities to overcome poverty
  • Raising our voices on behalf of and alongside the poor

30 Hour Famine + World Vision = lives changed.

      For 20 years now, World Vision’s 30 Hour Famine has been challenging students to go without so others can eat.It’s working, too. In part because of efforts like the Famine, since 1992 the total number of kids who die each day - most of them from preventable causes like hunger, poverty, and disease - has fallen from 40,000 to 24,000.


Around the world, over 24,000 children die every day before their 5th birthday from conditions and diseases that are easily preventable - malaria, HIV and AIDS, pneumonia, diarrhoea, measles, and complications during pregnancy and after birth. Through the Famine, campers will learn about how we can all be part of the solution to end preventable, health-related child deaths plaguing vulnerable communities worldwide.