Friday, June 24, 2011

30 Hour Famine.....

30 hour Famine is all started with an evangelist named Bob Pierce who visited Korea. He came face to face with children orphaned by war, and decided he had to do something. In 1950, he founded World Vision and started finding sponsors for kids in need. Since then, our amazing supporters have sponsored millions of children, providing them and their communities with access to basics like better nutrition, clean water, health care, and more - all in the name of Christ.

Today, World Vision serves close to 100 million people in nearly 100 countries:
  • Providing emergency aid when disaster strikes
  • Partnering with communities to overcome poverty
  • Raising our voices on behalf of and alongside the poor

30 Hour Famine + World Vision = lives changed.

      For 20 years now, World Vision’s 30 Hour Famine has been challenging students to go without so others can eat.It’s working, too. In part because of efforts like the Famine, since 1992 the total number of kids who die each day - most of them from preventable causes like hunger, poverty, and disease - has fallen from 40,000 to 24,000.


Around the world, over 24,000 children die every day before their 5th birthday from conditions and diseases that are easily preventable - malaria, HIV and AIDS, pneumonia, diarrhoea, measles, and complications during pregnancy and after birth. Through the Famine, campers will learn about how we can all be part of the solution to end preventable, health-related child deaths plaguing vulnerable communities worldwide.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Final Exam...

A day that I could not forget in my entire life that was the day I took my final exam. It was an important exam which decides on my future that is government tests “Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia” (SPM). After 12 years of studying this final examination would be the most important for my entire school years. This is my first day of exam. I entered the room at nine forty five.  I could sense the activity that had taken place in the room, knowing that I will have to put my skills to pass this stage. The officer pointed at my seat, as I walked towards my seat, the adrenaline in my body was building and my face portrayed the image of fear. I had been waiting for this encounter for a year, and soon it would be right in front of my eyes. As the exam papers were handed out, an urge of sickness filled in my stomach. The day had come, where I had to come face to face with my enemy. This was not just a test of my knowledge but an indication of my future. The room was enclosed with walls indicating that there was no way out, the scent of the room smelled lavender. After distributing the question sheets, the exam boards clear instructions were read out, one little peak to the side to glance at a fellow student, or their work would result in the exclusion of my paper also taking my career. The clock was moving fast. Without prior notice, the examination officer vocalized that the exam had started. I looked upon the first question.
 I felt more confident. I checked my solutions several times, as I was checking, a song came to my mind, and I was distracted by the love of music. It reminded me at the fact that the whole exam was about rhythm which would keep me answering question after question. My composure grew better as time grew due to this mischievous idea. I was by now half way through my exam paper and the clock was ticking, my heart sunk, I didn't want to make a mistake at this point of life because it would give a huge impact on my entire future. All the best wishes roused in my mind and I hope I can give my best for the exam and my future.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

My Favourite Fictional Character...

      Fictional characters are characters which are created as an imaginary person represented in a work of fiction. This fictional characters are created just because everything looks better and perfect compared to in real life where everything seems so complex and complicated. There are thousands of fictional characters that have been created by numerous people around the world just to bring out the character that they had imagined into the movies, books and TV show. Those characters are really fantastic.

    The fictional character that I like most would be Dr. Gregory House which is created by David Shore. This fictional character appears in House, M.D. The Character is almost universally referred to as House and rarely as Greg or Dr. House. Dr. House is the main character and protagonist of the House series. He is portrayed by the actor Hugh Laurie. House is a brilliant diagnostician specializing in infectious diseases and nephrology, House is also a Vicodin-addicted curmudgeon. This fictional character is based on that of Sherlock Holmes, sharing the detective’s keen observational skills, unorthodox methods, and lack of “bedside manner.”

    Besides that, House is equipped with a dry, acerbic almost cruel sense of humour, House is enigmatic and conceals many facets of his personality with a veneer of sarcasm. He is narcissistic and appears to disdain most people, leading some to label him "a misanthrope." He has contempt for most societal institutions including feminism and religion. House is an atheist and it is implied that he belief that all political and religious organizations are bad, or a system of thought which says that there are no principles. These traits make him something of a byronic hero.

     Despite his cynicism, he does seem to care about his colleagues to a certain extent and while considering them "idiots" is able to sometimes put aside his pride and apologize when he has offended them in a particularly cruel fashion. House uses his flippancy to conceal his affection toward his colleagues, and denies it to the extent that he himself sometimes forgets it.The ultimate reason for watching The House is because of the fictional character plays a multiple role which is makes me curious about what going to happen next and next move. That’s the reason with Dr. Gregory House is my favourite fictional character of all time.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

A day in my Life......

We were getting more and more nervous, sitting in the waiting room before going on stage at the ‘Rock the World’ concert which was highlighting local bands in our hometown for the first time. Our band, The Dead Poets Society, was set to make its debut. The four of us, Michiga and I on guitar, Sean on drums, and our singer Helbert, would be the next act on the programme.
            Suddenly, there was a knock on our door. It was the organizer telling us to be ready in five minutes. Getting more and more desperate, we all said prayer together:” Dear God, please don’t let us fail. Amen.” God willing, our performances would so smoothly.
            As we walked towards the stage with our instruments, we passed the professional band, Naked Breed, who had just finished performing. They wished us all the best and I was awestruck. These were the guys who had inspired me to audition for ‘Rock n Roll’. These were the most respected musicians in Malaysian Rock.
            Shaking myself back to reality as we walked out to the stage, we could hear the crowd roaring with excitement. We were so nervous we could hardly speak, let alone sing. Swallowing that fear, I called into microphone,” Are you guys ready to rock?”
A resounding affirmative from the crowd was heard, so loud that it now hit me that we were just teenagers. We weren’t rock stars. We didn’t belong where we were. I looked around and saw that my band members felt the same way.
“We will be starting with a song which was sung by Rebbeca Black.” When I announced that all the audience starts to make hell of noise stating their disagreement towards that particular singer. So to calm down the situation we had changed the plan and i announced for the second time for another which is called I’m Just a Kid and its by punk band A Simple Plan before I could complete the telling the sentence the audience reacted excitedly where we continued with it,” besides I continued, thinking how fitting the song was.
As we began performing, our energetic strumming and drumming along with Herbalt powerful vocals belied the fact that butterflies were still in our tummies. Our dream of actually performing before a live audience had come true!
Once we reached the chorus, the crowd started singing along with us. It was bliss, nirvana and euphoria all rolled into one. All we could hear was the crowd singing :

I’m just a kid, and life is a nightmare
I’m just a kid, I know that it’s not fair
Nobody cares because I’m alone in the world
And tonight everybody’s having more fun then me,

As I strummed the final chord in the mid-jump, I realized that, though we had spent five minutes on stage, the experience would stay with us forever. That was a year ago.  I still remember to date the noised that they made for the song sung by Rebbeca Black gives a huge negative feedback from the audiences which makes us stunt a minute at the stage.

Friday, March 18, 2011

The Monkey

Joe is the favourite pet monkey for Dr. Mikail Alexander Moffet. He is the director of the Moffet Genetics Research Institute,(MOGRI). Joe was a huge furry nut-brown monkey. Joe plays a big role in the director’s life. When Joe was just few month old, it was transferred from England Zoo to Malaysia Zoo with few other animals using an aeroplane. On the way to Malaysia unfortunately the aeroplane was ruined and it had crashed into a rain forest. The crash had resulted as most of the animal which was transferred   died and some of them were severely injured. One of the animals among them was Joe. When the rescue team arrived at the scene, Joe was fighting for its life. The rescue team was unable to put Joe into sleep because baby Joe was so young and they couldn’t continue with the procedures. Joe was taken to the veterinarian and he was saved by the veterinary by surveillance Joe closely.
            Joe was really lucky. He was recovering after several months and he was adopted by a scientist.  He was taken care very well by the doctor.  Since the adoption day onwards Joe and doctor was very close each other. As for doctor nothing pleases him more than to be grated by Joe whenever he gets back home from work. Joe was more likely a son to Moffet, who treats Joe more as a human being than an ordinary monkey. Joe loves to pounce on Moffet and holds on to him tightly without letting go. The affection and love shown Joe made the doctor cringe with guilt and fear. 
 Dr. Moffet had traded his precious Mr. Joe to achieve his dream. He wishes to create new breed of human race and Mr. Joe will become the world’s first animal prototype.  While conducting the experiment Joe was filled with fear and it felt lonely. Doctor was monitoring the experiments from a Plexiglas tinted mirror. After stabilizing Joe, doctor started the experiment. He combines the human and animal DNA in his body will make him a highly-intelligent creature. The transformation was done successfully and observed by other scientist. After the transformation Joe’s name was changed to Mutant X. He was kept in a secured place with high security. This is because Dr. Malik had inserted a secret micro chip which holds the key govern the entire world. 
Suddenly, one day mutant X was stolen by bad guys in order to conquer the whole world. Fortunately, with the skilled secret agents from a well known secret service had saved the Mutant X from the bad guys and was restored in a save place. The leader of the bad guys group was killed by using the power of Mutant X. He was honoured for his act. Mutant X is kept in a place with secured circumstances and highly protected place.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Pirate of Caribbean

When I was in eighth grade, I entered school to receive my first terminal exam results. Little did I know that that day would change my life forever.

I really didn’t study for any of my exams because never was I told to by my parents. Being a kid, I always retracted from studying as I really never cared about my academic performance .I do always skip classes to go for movies which I really crazy about it. I remember the movie which I went before my exam after skipping my revision class was “The Pirate of Caribbean”.
I was really crazy about the movie and was waiting eagerly for the movie to be released.  Apart from watching movies I was also into video games and I was a die hard soccer fan. I was also in my school football team. These results, on there won’t be any early preparation because of my commitments or the last minute preparation because of impassioned. However, studies never held importance to me and just passing all my exams was just fine by me. No one cared about this lackadaisical and non-chalent attitude of mine so I just did whatever I wanted to do.

Coming back to that faithful day, I got all my results expecting to clear each one of them. However, this expectation came crashing down as I failed in two subjects-math’s and economics. A kind of fear ran down me for the first time in my life. I was actually shivering and I felt that my life was over. In the class, I tried my level best to keep my tears at bay and finally ran out to take out all the emotion that was erupting inside my body. I also felt embarrassed and humiliated but the fear and terror was so immense that I really didn’t care about what others thought.

When I reached home, I tried to lie about my marks saying that the teacher hadn’t checked my paper. My mother believed me and never asked me about them again. However, in the evening, a hidden force just made me tell her the truth. She was speechless and so was I. She was literally in tears and seeing her tears made me reach down to my soft spot and made me feel miserable. I felt as if the whole world’s burden was crashing on my shoulders. In this complex situation amidst the whole melancholic atmosphere, I felt weak and helpless; moreover, I felt lost and was in a state of confusion. Surrounded by obscurity, I didn’t know what to do.

However when I slept over it and woke up in the morning, I felt different. It was as if I had changed. I started thinking differently and I felt rejuvenated. I started to look at the problems in front of me in the form of challenges. In this whole new mental outlook, I took the previous day’s trauma and failure as a blessing in disguise. I became more focused and managed my time and myself in a more efficient and effective manner.

I started working harder and now was more concerned about my well being and about my academic and co-curricular results. I do early preparation in order to tackle the exam questions and approach my teachers and fellow classmates to solve it. I faced each and every obstacle head on and tried my level best to achieve victory and success.

Thereafter, when my next exams were arriving, I worked harder with grit and determination to radically improve my scores. I looked at the exam as a target, waiting to be tackled and defeated. This mental frame of mind also gave me a competitive edge which I believe is essential for an individual living in this world today.

After giving my exams, I was confident of doing well. When I went to get my results, it was revealed that my overall percentage had improved by a full thirty percent, which was an indicator to me that I was moving in the right direction. Thereon I kept on going, never looking back. I continued to improve and worked harder to reach the top. Finally, in tenth grade, I gave my board exam which is one of the most important exams and got ninety percent overall which was in the top 5 percentile of the school. I was extremely proud of my achievement and the others (teachers and students) were awestruck to see me perform so brilliantly. My stride to be part of the toppers was complete. However, I kept on going and in grade eleven, I came third in my batch and came first in the subject of accounts and then went on to come 1st in the whole batch in class twelve securing the highest marks in mathematics and business studies.

Therefore, the self realization that came to me which was derived off failure has made all the difference in my life and has made me into a successful and budding student waiting to be enriched with the knowledge that your college provides. Now when remembering those days which I had been so uncontrolled about my life style, it really gives a huge impact on my life. The lesson after watching my favorite movie have derived my life to an entirely different life path where I’m now.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Forgiveness is generally defined as a merciful act that has to be carried out by both decisional and emotional forgiveness thereby it has been part of my life. Each and every day I’m forcing myself to forgive and forget those unpleasant moments in my life.
Forgiveness is empathy. I believe it means, putting one’s self in the position of the other person, and wiping away any sort of resentment and antagonism we feel toward them. Forgiveness is a journey to freedom. It works directly on the emotion of anger, resentment, hostility, and hatred by diminishing its intensity or level within the mind and heart. Only the one who is wronged can forgive. Only those they sinned against have the right to forgive, and those they murdered are dead, and therefore cannot forgive them.
There is another way of looking at the world where we can choose whether we want to experience peace or conflict, to experience love or fear. We can choose how we perceive ourselves, others, and the world around us. We have the choice, and the willingness and the courage to forgive, that offer us the greatest gift we can give not only to others, but to ourselves too.
My personal reflection of forgiveness is when you forget about the past, no longer wanting to hurt those who hurt us, and moving on. In my life, I have experienced many instances in which I have had to forgive but not forget. For instance, when I was at the tender age of 3, my busy working parents had appointed a young lady to look after me since my relatives are unwilling to take care of me on the absences of my parents due to their packed schedule. The lady was very good. She was looking after me and my school going siblings very well.
 One day all of the sudden, the lady had burned my skin using the rice cooker’s cover which was so hot without any particular reason for the unmerciful act towards me. She was caught red handed by my mother who had just came to check on me as usual after attending to her patients at the clinic. My mother had shocked to see what is happening to me.
Immediately, she took me to the clinic and treat on the wound on my hand. The incident had occurred 18 years back and now I had forgive her for her unmerciful act but the burned marked is still on my skin which makes me not to forget the incident although i was just 3 at that time. Maybe God wants me to remember the incident and to learn from my hurts, to grow in wisdom. To forgive is to forget, but only in the sense of not remembering to "get even," of not harbouring a grudge, of not continually bringing up the past hurt. Our life experiences are not to be forgotten but remembered, and used as the basis for the decisions we make. Forgiveness to me is very important and is essential in my family, friends, and other relationships.

"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong."

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Maroon Five

The bright sun pierced through my silted eyelids as I made a feeble attempt to block the burning beams of light with my shaking hand. Unsuccessful, I closed my eyes tightly, shutting out the ball of fire hanging overhead. As my senses returned in a painful blow, I raised myself up slowly, spitting out a mouthful of sand. With a quick glance, I uncovered an interesting fact. All my clothes were gone.  
Then it came flooding back. TUNA!!!!, I had heard a low rumbling, and then the deck cracked under the force of what must have been a massive explosion. Then I rewind back my memory of what had happen in the pass. There were 5 of us who had decided to go on a yacht cruise on James’ father’s yacht, it was 22 feet long and fairly new. We were very curious which had leaded us to be mischief.  Five of us had pinched bags full of chemicals and materials from science laboratory and took the yacht. Soon after wards, we mucked around with the explosive materials until one of the experiments went wrong, causing wild sparks, which set alight on an electrical cord. With a matter of minutes, the yacht was on fire!
 The last thing I could remember was the loud cracking of the yacht’s hull, and then I blacked out. The blast must have burned my clothes clean off,   and threw me on to this desert island. How odd that my clothes were burned off, and I was left without a scratch. Shrugging off the many questions that my mind bombarded me with, I decided to take a tour of the island, and search for a possible means of escape.
Unfortunately there isn’t any alternative way rather than crossing the sea. I have no other choice rather than stay over the deserted island until the rescue team discover me out. The boat sank rapidly and did not leave enough time for survival, for my friends of mine which makes me stranded all alone in this deserted island.
I gathered everything I rescued from the boat, fortunately there was a pair of clothing, few water bottles with a few packets of chips n biscuits, a bag with lighter, matches, axe and also bought the bag of chemicals and materials. After I gathered those things, I went around the island for the second time to find some food, and gather some woods to stand on a camp for me rest and stay safely in this island from wild animals.

2 weeks had gone by, no sign of rescue, shortage on food and I’m starting be crazy but I managed to control my mind. I was thinking about my life together with my friends in past, all the great memories they had, until a thought crossed my mind. Remembering an experiment Nick and I did in year 10 for science, it was magnesium ribbon with Nitric acid poured on it. It created a wild purple and orange smoke. The idea had come! Then  it strike my mind since I found both ingredients in the things we stole from the science lab, there I quickly set it all up, fortunately a plane came soon, and I managed to do experiment, smoke and flame was everywhere, the plane spotted me.
They came down to the island and rescued me. I was flown immediately to the de hospital, since I was so weak because of lack of food and unavailability of clean water. However I managed to survive. After few weeks, I’m out of the hospital. When I tracked back what had happen I found the name of the island, it’s called Maroon Five Island. This experience when i stranded in the Maroon Five Island has taught me a great lesson in my life, I will save those painful experience in my memory box so that I don’t be that mischief. 

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Cold play is an incredible musical band which consists of four artists. They are Guy Berryman, Jonny Buckland, Chris Martin, and also Will Champion. This band originally started with two young men who joined in at University College London that is the lead vocalist, key board and guitar player Chris Martin and the lead guitarist and backing vocals Jonny Buckland.  After forming Pectoralz, Guy Berryman the bass and backing vocals joined the group as a bassist and they changed their name to Starfish. Finally, after Will Champion joined as a drummer, backing vocalist, and multi-instrumentalist, the band had settled with the name Cold play.
The albums that have been released by them are really marvellous. Lyrics are perfectly written and with the combination of simple melodies express emotions give’s a nice outcome which makes people to craze about the songs. People who listen to the song basically could only feel and they won’t be able to talk about it.  One of the album that will never get old, and boring as time passes, where else it will help us to grow is Parachutes.
Every song on this album is good. To me that is a very rare thing these days. It says a lot about an album when you can put it on and not want to skip through the songs to get to the ones that you want to here. I love to listens all the nine songs on this album, and listen to it again and again. When we listen to it then we’ll knew what had been the reason for Parachutes to be nominated for Best Album. Parachutes are a perfect balance of sadness and elation, which they are able to switch back and forth in a heartbeat.
Apart from that, there are several more albums that have been nominated over the years. Few of them are A Rush of Blood to the Head  in 2002, won multiple awards, including NME's Album of the Year,  Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends which is released on 2008, was largely favourable reviews, earning several Grammy nominations and wins. Coldplay have sold over 50 million records worldwide. Cold Play band is also active supporter of various social and political causes, such as Oxfam's Make Trade Fair campaign and Amnesty International. The group have also performed at various charity projects such as Band Aid 20, Live 8, Sound Relief, Hope for Haiti Now: A Global Benefit for Earthquake Relief, and the Teenage Cancer Trust. Cold Play Band will release more albums which would attract more people out there to be a fan of them.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


My favourite singer is Ar Rahman. His original name was A.S. Dileep Kumar. He is a well known Indian film composer, record producer, musician and also a singer. Dileep started learning the piano at the age of 4, and Rahman served as a keyboard player and an arranger in a band and he is the founder of the Chennai. He played the keyboard and piano, the synthesizer, the harmonium and the guitar. His curiosity in the synthesizer, in particular increased because, he says, it was the "ideal combination of music and technology". He began his early training in music. at the age of 9, his father passed away. Since the pressure of supporting his family fell on him, he joined Ilayaraja's troupe as a keyboard player at the age of 11. He dropped out of school as a result of this and traveled all around the world with various orchestras on world tours and obtained a scholarship to the Trinity College of Music in London where he graduated with a degree in Western classical music.

I love A. R. Rahman’s music through the emotional. I was amazed at the sheer diversity of his styles, from swinging brass bands to triumphant anthems and also from joyous pop to West-End musicals. Whatever the style, A. R. Rahman's music always possesses a profound sense of humanity and spirit, qualities that inspire me the most.
On August 15, 1997, he released an album called "Vande Mataram," on Columbia/SME Records, to commemorate 50 years of Indian independence. A tribute to the motherland, it featured songs for each of the Indian flag colours. The album was released simultaneously across the world in 28 countries, and Rahman himself performed in New Delhi to a packed audience including the honourable Indian Prime Minister. Over 1.2 million copies were sold in India alone.
Ar Rahman has won fourteen Film fare Awards, eleven Film fare Awards South, four National Film Awards, two Grammy Awards, a BAFTA Award and became the first Indian citizen to win two Academy Awards and a Golden Globe for the film Slumdog Millionaire
Besides that, although he is a well know artist, rahman will always be a simple man who don’t boast himself rather rahman would give the honour for his success towards his mother and also the God. I really touched by his words during the 81st Academy Awards ceremony, he paid tribute to his mother, saying: "There is a Hindi dialogue 'mere pass ma hai' which means even if I have got nothing I have my mother here." Apart from that, despite being a former atheist, Rahman began his own catchphrase, "Ella pughazhum iraivanukke", in Tamil which literally means "All praises dedicated to God". The phrase was further popularized after Rahman uttered it during his speech at the 81st Academy Awards ceremony.  
Besides his career Rahman is involved in various charitable causes. He was appointed as the Global Ambassador of the Stop TB Partnership, a project by WHO.  He has shown support to charities including Save the Children, India, and worked with Yusuf Islam for his song Indian Ocean. The proceeds of the song went towards helping orphans in Banda Aceh, that was affected by the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami. Furthermore, Rahman started an Audio Media Education facility to tutor and train aspiring musicians in vocals, instruments, music technology and sound design. Now Ar Rahman is not only known for his talent but also for his kind heart of helping needy people. He will always be my favourite musician and inspire me.