Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Maroon Five

The bright sun pierced through my silted eyelids as I made a feeble attempt to block the burning beams of light with my shaking hand. Unsuccessful, I closed my eyes tightly, shutting out the ball of fire hanging overhead. As my senses returned in a painful blow, I raised myself up slowly, spitting out a mouthful of sand. With a quick glance, I uncovered an interesting fact. All my clothes were gone.  
Then it came flooding back. TUNA!!!!, I had heard a low rumbling, and then the deck cracked under the force of what must have been a massive explosion. Then I rewind back my memory of what had happen in the pass. There were 5 of us who had decided to go on a yacht cruise on James’ father’s yacht, it was 22 feet long and fairly new. We were very curious which had leaded us to be mischief.  Five of us had pinched bags full of chemicals and materials from science laboratory and took the yacht. Soon after wards, we mucked around with the explosive materials until one of the experiments went wrong, causing wild sparks, which set alight on an electrical cord. With a matter of minutes, the yacht was on fire!
 The last thing I could remember was the loud cracking of the yacht’s hull, and then I blacked out. The blast must have burned my clothes clean off,   and threw me on to this desert island. How odd that my clothes were burned off, and I was left without a scratch. Shrugging off the many questions that my mind bombarded me with, I decided to take a tour of the island, and search for a possible means of escape.
Unfortunately there isn’t any alternative way rather than crossing the sea. I have no other choice rather than stay over the deserted island until the rescue team discover me out. The boat sank rapidly and did not leave enough time for survival, for my friends of mine which makes me stranded all alone in this deserted island.
I gathered everything I rescued from the boat, fortunately there was a pair of clothing, few water bottles with a few packets of chips n biscuits, a bag with lighter, matches, axe and also bought the bag of chemicals and materials. After I gathered those things, I went around the island for the second time to find some food, and gather some woods to stand on a camp for me rest and stay safely in this island from wild animals.

2 weeks had gone by, no sign of rescue, shortage on food and I’m starting be crazy but I managed to control my mind. I was thinking about my life together with my friends in past, all the great memories they had, until a thought crossed my mind. Remembering an experiment Nick and I did in year 10 for science, it was magnesium ribbon with Nitric acid poured on it. It created a wild purple and orange smoke. The idea had come! Then  it strike my mind since I found both ingredients in the things we stole from the science lab, there I quickly set it all up, fortunately a plane came soon, and I managed to do experiment, smoke and flame was everywhere, the plane spotted me.
They came down to the island and rescued me. I was flown immediately to the de hospital, since I was so weak because of lack of food and unavailability of clean water. However I managed to survive. After few weeks, I’m out of the hospital. When I tracked back what had happen I found the name of the island, it’s called Maroon Five Island. This experience when i stranded in the Maroon Five Island has taught me a great lesson in my life, I will save those painful experience in my memory box so that I don’t be that mischief. 

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