Thursday, March 24, 2011

A day in my Life......

We were getting more and more nervous, sitting in the waiting room before going on stage at the ‘Rock the World’ concert which was highlighting local bands in our hometown for the first time. Our band, The Dead Poets Society, was set to make its debut. The four of us, Michiga and I on guitar, Sean on drums, and our singer Helbert, would be the next act on the programme.
            Suddenly, there was a knock on our door. It was the organizer telling us to be ready in five minutes. Getting more and more desperate, we all said prayer together:” Dear God, please don’t let us fail. Amen.” God willing, our performances would so smoothly.
            As we walked towards the stage with our instruments, we passed the professional band, Naked Breed, who had just finished performing. They wished us all the best and I was awestruck. These were the guys who had inspired me to audition for ‘Rock n Roll’. These were the most respected musicians in Malaysian Rock.
            Shaking myself back to reality as we walked out to the stage, we could hear the crowd roaring with excitement. We were so nervous we could hardly speak, let alone sing. Swallowing that fear, I called into microphone,” Are you guys ready to rock?”
A resounding affirmative from the crowd was heard, so loud that it now hit me that we were just teenagers. We weren’t rock stars. We didn’t belong where we were. I looked around and saw that my band members felt the same way.
“We will be starting with a song which was sung by Rebbeca Black.” When I announced that all the audience starts to make hell of noise stating their disagreement towards that particular singer. So to calm down the situation we had changed the plan and i announced for the second time for another which is called I’m Just a Kid and its by punk band A Simple Plan before I could complete the telling the sentence the audience reacted excitedly where we continued with it,” besides I continued, thinking how fitting the song was.
As we began performing, our energetic strumming and drumming along with Herbalt powerful vocals belied the fact that butterflies were still in our tummies. Our dream of actually performing before a live audience had come true!
Once we reached the chorus, the crowd started singing along with us. It was bliss, nirvana and euphoria all rolled into one. All we could hear was the crowd singing :

I’m just a kid, and life is a nightmare
I’m just a kid, I know that it’s not fair
Nobody cares because I’m alone in the world
And tonight everybody’s having more fun then me,

As I strummed the final chord in the mid-jump, I realized that, though we had spent five minutes on stage, the experience would stay with us forever. That was a year ago.  I still remember to date the noised that they made for the song sung by Rebbeca Black gives a huge negative feedback from the audiences which makes us stunt a minute at the stage.

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