Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Pirate of Caribbean

When I was in eighth grade, I entered school to receive my first terminal exam results. Little did I know that that day would change my life forever.

I really didn’t study for any of my exams because never was I told to by my parents. Being a kid, I always retracted from studying as I really never cared about my academic performance .I do always skip classes to go for movies which I really crazy about it. I remember the movie which I went before my exam after skipping my revision class was “The Pirate of Caribbean”.
I was really crazy about the movie and was waiting eagerly for the movie to be released.  Apart from watching movies I was also into video games and I was a die hard soccer fan. I was also in my school football team. These results, on there won’t be any early preparation because of my commitments or the last minute preparation because of impassioned. However, studies never held importance to me and just passing all my exams was just fine by me. No one cared about this lackadaisical and non-chalent attitude of mine so I just did whatever I wanted to do.

Coming back to that faithful day, I got all my results expecting to clear each one of them. However, this expectation came crashing down as I failed in two subjects-math’s and economics. A kind of fear ran down me for the first time in my life. I was actually shivering and I felt that my life was over. In the class, I tried my level best to keep my tears at bay and finally ran out to take out all the emotion that was erupting inside my body. I also felt embarrassed and humiliated but the fear and terror was so immense that I really didn’t care about what others thought.

When I reached home, I tried to lie about my marks saying that the teacher hadn’t checked my paper. My mother believed me and never asked me about them again. However, in the evening, a hidden force just made me tell her the truth. She was speechless and so was I. She was literally in tears and seeing her tears made me reach down to my soft spot and made me feel miserable. I felt as if the whole world’s burden was crashing on my shoulders. In this complex situation amidst the whole melancholic atmosphere, I felt weak and helpless; moreover, I felt lost and was in a state of confusion. Surrounded by obscurity, I didn’t know what to do.

However when I slept over it and woke up in the morning, I felt different. It was as if I had changed. I started thinking differently and I felt rejuvenated. I started to look at the problems in front of me in the form of challenges. In this whole new mental outlook, I took the previous day’s trauma and failure as a blessing in disguise. I became more focused and managed my time and myself in a more efficient and effective manner.

I started working harder and now was more concerned about my well being and about my academic and co-curricular results. I do early preparation in order to tackle the exam questions and approach my teachers and fellow classmates to solve it. I faced each and every obstacle head on and tried my level best to achieve victory and success.

Thereafter, when my next exams were arriving, I worked harder with grit and determination to radically improve my scores. I looked at the exam as a target, waiting to be tackled and defeated. This mental frame of mind also gave me a competitive edge which I believe is essential for an individual living in this world today.

After giving my exams, I was confident of doing well. When I went to get my results, it was revealed that my overall percentage had improved by a full thirty percent, which was an indicator to me that I was moving in the right direction. Thereon I kept on going, never looking back. I continued to improve and worked harder to reach the top. Finally, in tenth grade, I gave my board exam which is one of the most important exams and got ninety percent overall which was in the top 5 percentile of the school. I was extremely proud of my achievement and the others (teachers and students) were awestruck to see me perform so brilliantly. My stride to be part of the toppers was complete. However, I kept on going and in grade eleven, I came third in my batch and came first in the subject of accounts and then went on to come 1st in the whole batch in class twelve securing the highest marks in mathematics and business studies.

Therefore, the self realization that came to me which was derived off failure has made all the difference in my life and has made me into a successful and budding student waiting to be enriched with the knowledge that your college provides. Now when remembering those days which I had been so uncontrolled about my life style, it really gives a huge impact on my life. The lesson after watching my favorite movie have derived my life to an entirely different life path where I’m now.

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