Sunday, March 27, 2011

My Favourite Fictional Character...

      Fictional characters are characters which are created as an imaginary person represented in a work of fiction. This fictional characters are created just because everything looks better and perfect compared to in real life where everything seems so complex and complicated. There are thousands of fictional characters that have been created by numerous people around the world just to bring out the character that they had imagined into the movies, books and TV show. Those characters are really fantastic.

    The fictional character that I like most would be Dr. Gregory House which is created by David Shore. This fictional character appears in House, M.D. The Character is almost universally referred to as House and rarely as Greg or Dr. House. Dr. House is the main character and protagonist of the House series. He is portrayed by the actor Hugh Laurie. House is a brilliant diagnostician specializing in infectious diseases and nephrology, House is also a Vicodin-addicted curmudgeon. This fictional character is based on that of Sherlock Holmes, sharing the detective’s keen observational skills, unorthodox methods, and lack of “bedside manner.”

    Besides that, House is equipped with a dry, acerbic almost cruel sense of humour, House is enigmatic and conceals many facets of his personality with a veneer of sarcasm. He is narcissistic and appears to disdain most people, leading some to label him "a misanthrope." He has contempt for most societal institutions including feminism and religion. House is an atheist and it is implied that he belief that all political and religious organizations are bad, or a system of thought which says that there are no principles. These traits make him something of a byronic hero.

     Despite his cynicism, he does seem to care about his colleagues to a certain extent and while considering them "idiots" is able to sometimes put aside his pride and apologize when he has offended them in a particularly cruel fashion. House uses his flippancy to conceal his affection toward his colleagues, and denies it to the extent that he himself sometimes forgets it.The ultimate reason for watching The House is because of the fictional character plays a multiple role which is makes me curious about what going to happen next and next move. That’s the reason with Dr. Gregory House is my favourite fictional character of all time.

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